Circuitbenders Forum

Circuitbenders Forum => Circuitbending discussion => Topic started by: guy.dallas on September 23, 2009, 02:12:55 AM

Title: Storage?
Post by: guy.dallas on September 23, 2009, 02:12:55 AM
Hey CB'rs

So what do you guys do for storage off all your bent electronics. Ive been doing this just under a year and even my collection is starting to get unruly. Currently all im doing to store them is leaning them up against the wall, but being a person whose obsessed with cleanliness its really starting to get to me >.<

I cant think of any ideas;

So what do you guys do for storage?
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Dylan on September 23, 2009, 04:22:53 AM
Oh god, all my stuff is just strewn around my room. I try to just keep it on a bookshelf but I've just about filled it. I'd recommend a tote or something.
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Psycho:Active on October 05, 2009, 03:11:23 PM
I'm about to put all my stuff in a box or two and stick it in the loft. Circuit Bending put on hold then. I need the space as well as the time, and it seems circuit bending inevitably takes up a lot of space.

Doing one project at a time seems like a good tip for saving space though.
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Dylan on October 05, 2009, 04:53:06 PM
I guess this is kind of related, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to get delicate bent instruments to a show? I have a show or two lined up and I have some instruments that I want to bring, but they're very delicate and I don't want them breaking or anything on the way there. Any tips?
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Gleix on October 06, 2009, 03:34:59 AM
I guess this is kind of related, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to get delicate bent instruments to a show? I have a show or two lined up and I have some instruments that I want to bring, but they're very delicate and I don't want them breaking or anything on the way there. Any tips?

Thickly padded suitcases, perhaps?
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Dylan on October 06, 2009, 02:20:30 AM
That's what I was thinking, possibly bubble wrap...I like bubble wrap.
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Circuitbenders on October 06, 2009, 01:03:25 PM
surely styrofoam packing thingies are the best bet?

Are they called packing peanuts?
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Dylan on October 06, 2009, 06:53:58 PM
Yeah, they're peanuts. That's a good idea, I have a huge box of them when I ordered my project board for school.
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: guy.dallas on October 06, 2009, 08:00:34 PM
For carrying gear to gigs:

I purchased an old suitcase that had an extremely hard outer shell, it was only 5 dollars!

For about 10 more dollars I bought some foam, and then cut the foam to fit in the case.

...and Voila!

I have a wicked gig case that does the job perfectly for only 15 bucks.

Gig bags and etc or waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to expensive. So this is a great alternative.

Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: MAGTIG on October 24, 2009, 02:00:18 AM
I haven't done it yet, but I've had an idea to put a bunch of hooks in the walls and hang my stuff all over it (that's going to take a little thought as well, but I bet a trip to Home Depot would produce all sorts of workable solutions).

As decoration, if you put a little thought into it, it would be awesome (especially if you had the foresight to put posters in the back ground BEFORE putting all the stuff into the wall), or you could just imagine a wall of random little keyboards all over it. How cool would that be?

There's also large shelves/bookcases.

If you figure something cool out be sure to post a pic. I love looking at seas of little do-hicky's. heh
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: Tyler1144 on December 09, 2009, 11:52:30 PM
Get a few shelves put in and lay them flat next to each other, they are out of reach of unknowing children
Title: Re: Storage?
Post by: sk-1 on December 22, 2009, 03:29:38 PM
I store my keyboards on keyboard rigs that I either buy or make myself.  If you're going to collect circuit bent instruments and toys then you'd obviously want to play them, won't you?  The best way to store them would be to setup a room to have racks and rigs to display them and provide easy access to play them.  Also, a desk or studio console would allow playing of the instruments as well as storing them for display purposes.  A stereo system or mixing desk would also be great to have all the toys linked up and plugged in ready to play through the amplifier... it doesn't have to be professional equipment, but possibly a boom-box or home theater system.

If you only collect the things for the purpose of owning them and looking at them, then storage would involve putting them on display on permanent or mobile shelving... or if you can afford it, perhaps glass cabinets or deep book-cases.

I personally don't see the point in building a collection of circuit-bent toys that you don't use or play.  If you want to look at them, then pictures and posters would be just as effective!  LOL... but  you'd be silly just to sit there and stare at a circuit bent toy and dream about it or fantasize about it when you can simply pick it up and PLAY IT!

Just my two cents worth.  ;D