Circuitbenders Forum > Noise, Tracks & Samples

Tin Boy - Only You



I am a musician and circuit bender and have an SK1 an SK5 and an SK8 which I bought from the US (because I liked the artwork on them) and a very plain SK1 which I bent myself. I have been using a modified SK1 since 1982 (external CV trigger to the chord sequencer) and it appears on a lot of my work with other artists. My brother Adam (Adamski) still owns it.

All sound very different and I use them extensively in most things I work on, Duran Duran, The Dandy Warhols to name but two.

As a musician, I am moving away from purely experimental music (Flashback Generator) and incorporating the sounds into more conventional songs.

Listen to:

  <img height="15" width="61" alt="Mark Tinley ( - radio.tinley music demos" src=""></img>

Or visit my web site at:

For a broader overview.

All the best

Mark Tinley


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