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"predictable" keyboard bends??

Started by 3rdness, February 04, 2009, 05:49:39 PM

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Hello Everybody!

Someone has contacted me about a commission, but they want something "playable" that they can use in a live setting, preferably keeping its tonality. And without unexpected noisy assaults or the like.

I recommended a casiotone MT-100, which keeps the usefulness of the keys but adds crazy noises, distortions, and delays. He likes more bleepy sound like a yamaha PSR-11 with a data line cut.

I tried to explain that circuitbending means embracing the unexepected.

Any ideas for a cool sounding, bleepy, predictable bend?

Thanks for any input,



Would he call the optical-fretboard Atari that Mute Math uses a playable instrument?  That still blows my mind.  If you guys haven't seen it, research Mute Math - Reset (live) on YouTube.  They're an ambient rock band playing 70's style funk beats on a vintage kits and some circuit bent stuff live.  The lead singer has been quoted saying he likes to make small electronics that make interesting noises, so the new album should probably include more of it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6FUDOV9Glo == VIDEO

Anyways, try to make one like this.  Perhaps a boardie did this one.


What the hell is that that he plays? its awesome

...and they're amazing.


That thing is sweet!  We gotta find out who made that and force them to share their evil plans.

I think my "client" wants something more conventional though.


Well, the instrument with the next is definitely a bent Atari.

I'm not sure if it's in this song or not, but live he also used one box with some knobs that made some awesome sounds.  I've got their DVD, and it's absolutely incredible. 

The guitar player also picks up his board caked with pedals and cranks the shit out of his dials to get some stuff.  Not sure if they're bent or not, though.  In most songs, his effects don't sound out of the scope of factory effects units.

Did you guys notice how the drummer samples and playbacks his beat reversed in this video?  Not sure if they show it properly.


Elektrokraft is the maker of that machine.  I looked through his list of machines, and it's called the AxeSynth.  This is his demo video for a new version that uses an 8 bit Atari.  Notice how it acts like a keyed synth, unlike Mute Maths's version which sounds a full range of pitch smoothly as you slide up and down the neck.  Apparently Mute Math's version uses a chip swiped from an old Space Invaders video game.

Elektrokraft's Demo:

Another awesome Mute Math vid of the AxeSynth (doubling as a testament to musical skill):

To conclude that these guys deserve your attention:

Right near the end, the guitar player starts turning a knob on a pedal and gets a thick gusty sound.  Does it sound like a bend to you pedal benders?

(should I move this stuff into their own thread?)