Circuitbenders Forum

Circuitbenders Forum => Circuitbending discussion => Synths & Samplers => Topic started by: freeform delusion on April 12, 2010, 09:46:52 PM

Title: Bent Bontempi ES3200
Post by: freeform delusion on April 12, 2010, 09:46:52 PM
New here, hello everyone!

Well we've been bending since August 2009, alot of good and ALOT bad moments.
This is one of my good moments as the last two bontempi keyboards I tried to bend were totally crappily made, i don't think i could fit anything inside.
This is an older one which I've had opened up on my kitchen table for a couple of months (with my first Hing hon bend), decided to go for it yesterday. Everything kept falling out, had to lean my whole arm on it to get the sliders to make contact (why did I make it hard for myself), all i had to do was just screw the board in for it make contact. :-[ I really don't want to open this again (one wrong move and all the button fall out of place), had to chop off loads of plastic sticking out bits inside to accommodate the wiring, worth it in the end. Anyway here's the video i did today. It's definitely a keeper! (every bend is but just don't have the space) I'm not very good on the keyboard but my hands were freezing so i was really rubbish on this one!

Circuit Bent Bontempi ES 3200 Keyboard by freeform delusion (