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Roland R5 power supply or connector

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Acid Army:
im looking to purchase a R8 connector adapter  as i olnly have a USA  . one and live in UK  please any feedback gratefully welcomed .. kENNY

Do you mean a power supply? If so you'll have to contact Roland who will charge you about £50, or build one yourself and use a new socket.

You can't buy the connector plugs, as they only existed on the R8 and R5.

I've just put up a new page on the site that has some pictures of what i did

This is an OLD thread, but I too am looking for the elusive ACH-120 PSU for an R-5 and R-8.  Before I build a MFOS bipolar supply, does anyone have one available for sale??  I would greatly appreciate it!  Thx.

Just a heads up 5 years later concerning that infamous power supply which nobody can find.

Initially, i have built mine over a computer PSU with a DIN connection.

Today i realised that this plug (which you can find anywhere) works like a charm !

We just put up a new page on the main site detailing just replacing the whole power supply with a normal 12v barrel plug one by using an internal cheap chinese dual power rail generator board.

Take a look here;


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