Circuitbenders Forum > Banter

Yamaha TX-81Z

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I will have a go at that. Thanks.

Sounds fun, how much did you pay for it?

Hi - £25 :)

I got a audio cassette that came with my DX100 with some guy attempting to explain FM synthesis.

It's the most painfull thing i've ever heard ;)

I think you need to try harder :) If you know what the harmonic series is, or if you don't, but figure that out, understanding FM gets a bit easier. Try and understand what the synthesis technique is trying to achieve, in the context of "musicality", and it shouldn't be too difficult to move from there. 
There are lots of resources online, here's a couple without an equation in sight, if you haven't already seen them

I would recommend reading John Chownings original paper on FM, if you can get your hands on it, for the diagrams alone.

J. Chowning (1973). " The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency Modulation". Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 21 (7)

I seriously suck at math so if I can figure this one out just about anyone can.


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