Circuitbenders Forum > Banter

Your Favourite Audio Editor for creating samples...????


Hello all,

I bit of advice please.

I've recently become interested in making my own samples for my c64, and other lo-fi samplers.

I wondered what software people would recommend for the Mac.

I  use Logic for sequencing and recording, but found the sampler editor a bit limiting so have been using Audacity, which seems quite good but I thought I'd ask around before I get too absorbed in one Application.

I need it to be able to make very low sample rates, and bit rates (4 bit, 8 Khz). And of a certain memory size.

I was also interested in trying to make waveplayer type samples, where I'd need to make the audio sample waveforms fit into neat byte sized chunks. (my knowledge of this is hazy but I'm learning!)

Any advice welcome,



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