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Its been a bit quiet around here recently

Started by Circuitbenders, March 18, 2010, 03:34:46 PM

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made this pcb board at work weds
only 2 tracks had a break in but was easy to repair
today i put on almost all the parts about 8 caps to solder in and about 4 links left todo

YuSynth Fixed Filter Bank Moog 914a Clone


Hello all, posting this here becasue I couldn't work out how to start a new topic (has the button disappeared?)

Anyhow John from Highly Liquid has a kickstarter running–  a new midi device that has lots of circuitbenidn DIY applications. Thought folks might be interested... coz I certainly am!



check out the percussion bot here


and the SK1 automated bends here



hei there people  ::) :P :-*
Im looking for circuit benders all across the globe to be part of this compilation
anyone interested just drop a message


Hi All,

It appears to still be pretty quiet on here. I am a new member, so I at least thought I would post here to introduce myself, in case anyone actually reads or sees this thread. I've been bending since the late 2000s, and have gotten back into it pretty seriously over the last month. I have several projects I was hoping to discuss with folks, from some Casio SK1 and SA2 stuff, to bending/modding drum machines like the Korg KR-55 and the Yamaha DD6. If anyone has any interest in or knowledge of these machines, I would really appreciate it if you could  check out my posts/questions in the Circuit Bending section, both drum machines and synths.

I apologize in advance if this post is considered off-topic in this thread, however it seems relevant to me, simply because I would like to know who is still active on this forum... Cheers!