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SCAT has a serious mental problem.

Started by noiseybeast, October 24, 2010, 09:06:33 PM

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Quote from: Gordonjcp on November 30, 2010, 01:39:22 PM
Nope, still not banned.  What am I doing wrong?

You're not putting any effort into creating a promotional stir, sir.


If you are reading this arron. I would just like to point out that you, and the entity you like to call s-cat are BANNED. I'll say that again more slowly if you are having any difficulty with it.

Arron, you are B A N N E D

This means that trying to sign up with an email address belonging to your wife and from a different IP address will just result in me pointing this out in public and yet again making you look like a petty minded idiot who can't accept when he's not wanted.  ::)

Please go away. Thankyou.



While i'm here though, i'd just like to point out an example of one of the endless posts about how awful it is on this forum you make on your youtube videos. It makes me wonder why you are so keen to get involved.

'We managed to get banned from a site called the circuit benders forum a short while back, we told them that we had modified the R-8 and R-5 after reading on the site that these were both machines that could not be circuit bent. We told them that we felt that we had more to offer than other circuit benders but they just thought that we were blowing our own trumpet and decided to ban us after we told them that we would not share our circuit diagram for the mods. Funny little bunch of twats!'

I've taken the liberty of highlighting the sections i find most interesting, make of them what you will.  ::)

And aren't you just so unbearably happy that i had to look at one of your videos to read that. Hasn't that just made your day!  ;D

Heres an interesting thing about the internet: anyone can read anything you've ever posted publicly anywhere. Myself and a fair few other people have a problem with you on here, but i can say as a fact that personally i have never mentioned it outside of this forum.
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


I should mention that he blocked my youtube account a day after he sent me some psychotic email and I ripped it apart piece by piece.   He'd been sending tons of mails to me and they just stopped.  This was the same day he posted here and was blocked.

It must be tempting to allow him to post here and just keep blocking/deleting his accounts quietly.

It's funny that he's using his wifes account + another IP when he could so easily XXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXX XX XXXX

He's not very bright, is he?


sorry, i just edited out some of your post. I'm not sure i have enough time in my life to hunt down the results of what you just posted there  ;)
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


Sorry. That stuff is so much a part of who I am (nerd+computer tech) that it didn't even occur to me that I'd be giving people ideas.

But yeah, it's really easy to fake your IP by using a bear to hunt down protocol daemons and combine that with the flex pipe software.



don't forget the coaxial flange modulator.
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


Honestly, this SCAT guy is fucking insane!

I asked a question on a video he posted on facebook asking for details about their dub synth thing and how it might compare to other analogue synths that can produce similar sounds. First he replies in a strangely aggressive manner, and then next day i look at the page to see if there any more responses and i find that my questions and the post have been deleted and i'm banned from the page! All for daring to ask a question because i wanted to know what his synth can do that something like a minibrute can't! As i can get a minibrute for less money than their dub synth i thought that was a reasonable question.

I email scat to ask whats going on and get told i was banned 'Before it developed into something'. WTF! I only asked a question!
After a couple more email exchanges where i have to admit i was getting increasingly irritated by the weird smugly paranoid attitude, i just gave up and didn't respond. Ok, thats the end of it i'm thinking.

a couple of days after that i'm randomly sent a load of links to their various pages completely unsolicited, then i suppose because i hadn't responded the day after that i get another email saying:

'....Are you like this with every company that you contact? You ask our opinion about which to buy, the minibrute or dub-synth. We told you to go for the minibrute and you get upset and spit your dummy out. Now fuck off and bother someone else who cares!'

Bearing in mind that i hadn't actually responded to either of the two previous emails, i have no idea what prompted this little outburst. I think i won't bother buying from scat. They seem to have confused customer services with paranoid psychosis.


Contrary to popular belief this forum isn't the central internet repository for reports of S-CAT based psychosis!  :-\

Having said that, he/they do seem to view any publicity as good publicity, so maybe they welcome this kind of post.
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


I dunno about that.... have you googled "S-CAT based psychosis" and seen what comes up as the most popular results??  :D