Circuitbenders Forum

Circuitbenders Forum => Circuitbending discussion => Toys => Topic started by: DIGITAL FIEND on February 03, 2007, 03:03:07 PM

Title: Frogger Plug&Play handheld game
Post by: DIGITAL FIEND on February 03, 2007, 03:03:07 PM
It looks like a big joystick, you plug it up to your tv ,(if your tv has rca in's)  and you plug and play

my question, Can these be bent? looks like it to me, but im a virgin with all this lol

it would be cool to use the music  from frogger, to bend the hell out of it...using the joystick to do it, would be ace

Any suggestions?..or would it even be worth it to send it to the circuitbender crew and pay to try to have it bent

Title: Re: Frogger Plug&Play handheld game
Post by: Circuitbenders on February 03, 2007, 04:42:41 PM
hmmm, i'm thinking that there won't be anything bendable in there. In fact i'd be surprised if there were more than 2 chips in there, one being a hardcore CPU type chip that wouldn't respond well to being messed with.

These things may look cheap and tacky but the technology probably isn't. You'd probably have more luck with an original ancient frogger game.

On the other hand i could be completely wrong.
Title: Re: Frogger Plug&Play handheld game
Post by: DIGITAL FIEND on February 03, 2007, 06:25:48 PM
Thats cool :)..hmmm , it does look interesting tho doesnt it?

thank you for the response