Circuitbenders Forum

Circuitbenders Forum => Banter => Topic started by: Gordonjcp on July 18, 2008, 12:54:31 AM

Title: Lugradio Live - the last ever
Post by: Gordonjcp on July 18, 2008, 12:54:31 AM
Moderately off-topic but I know a few people use Linux in here ;-)

Lugradio, one of the (if not actually the) best Linux podcasts, has recorded its last season.  Gone, finito, dead, wouldn't go voom if you... You get the idea.

Lugradio Live starts on Saturday the 19th of July.  It's the last LRL, and loads of cool things will be going on.  It's in Wolverhampton, so those outside the Midlands might find it tricky to get to.  That said, I'm coming down from Glasgow to heckle Jono Bacon, but I booked my holiday well in advance.

Five quid to get in, much drinking and geeking involved, and it's all good clean fun mostly.

I'll be the grumpy Scottish guy in the yellow crew t-shirt hauling boxes of network cables about.
Title: Re: Lugradio Live - the last ever
Post by: Gordonjcp on July 22, 2008, 07:41:20 AM
Except it turns out it's *not* the last one, because the turnout and pressure from the visitors, exhibitors, speakers and general hangers-on convinced the guys to keep running LRL.  The LugRadio podcast may be finished, but the show will continue - yay!

Stuff you might have missed at this one the stand demo-ing the Beagle Board (an ARM9 CPU and a DSP, sounds like a good basis for a softsynth platform), Daniel James of 64Studio with a Samsung UMPC (scratching in Mixxx with the Samsung's touchscreen) and Dotwaffle's (Matthew Walster) talk on the demo scene.

I didn't get time to do a talk this year but next year I'll be doing one on producing electronic music with Linux.  If anyone fancies doing a talk on circuit bending, or even exhibiting, that would be good to see.