Circuitbenders Forum

Circuitbenders Forum => Circuitbending discussion => Synths & Samplers => Topic started by: iwillbeacircuitbender on March 21, 2015, 05:13:47 PM

Title: Bending a Yamaha PSR-75 (Or Similar)
Post by: iwillbeacircuitbender on March 21, 2015, 05:13:47 PM
First time actually using this forum. So, I have a Yamaha PSR-75 that I want to temporarily bend or "soft" bend. What pins should I interconnect on the AWM chip to get good results without frying it? And is AWM very glitchable in any way? The same thing could most likely be done to a Yamaha PSR-170 (also AWM)
Title: Re: Bending a Yamaha PSR-75 (Or Similar)
Post by: iwillbeacircuitbender on June 11, 2015, 08:56:26 PM
OK. AWM is very glitchable. Bending my Yamaha PSR-170, I got some really good aleatoric glitches sometimes by bending the pins of it's ROM chip. When it crashes on a single frozen tone, that is when the glitches occur. OK, enough blabbing. Since AWM is so glitchable, how can I permanently corrupt that keyboard's sounds, sonce when the ROM resets, everything goes back to normal