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CB-55 Trigger Query

Started by Neil_M, May 25, 2016, 09:36:12 AM

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Hello all,

I'd really like to build this clone, I've built a couple of kits now with great success (Groovesizer Red, Xiwi Gameboy Midi interface plus various fiddly gameboy mods) but am still an electronics newb. I recently upgraded my D-110 lcd which would have been a real pain if I ddin't really enjoy soldering - normally I guess that would be a weird admission but hopefully I'm among like-minded folk here  :)

Anyway, I'd need an easy way to trigger the thing via midi. Dtronics in The Netherlands sell a midi to trigger board which outputs 5v at 10ms which I assume would be fine? Anyone used one or can recommend something similar?

Alternatively, (probable stupid question alert) my D-110 has a number of unused outputs, is there a way to use these with the conditioning inputs? Although thinking about that I don't really want to waste 4 midi channels....although it would be easy....although programming the D-110 is a real pain in the passage.

Any suggestions appreciated. I noticed that Gert posted about an Arduino option but I've got no experience of these.


I built this to trigger my CB55.  It works just fine with my MIDI keyboard.  Haven't tried with a sequencer but would expect it to be OK.  Note that I included the trigger conditioning circuitry on the CB55.

The drawing of the MIDI jack and its connection to the circuit are correct, but I think the pin numbering is wrong. So just build as it looks and ignore the pin number designations.


Thanks for the reply but programming micro-controllers (which I assume you'd need to do) is too technical for me  :'(

I'd love to look further into this kind of thing (micro controllers) but just don't have the time to dedicate unfortunately. Hopefully over the weekend I'll get chance to take the soldering iron to my Akai S01, after that I fancy having a go at making an arduinoboy which should improve my knowledge of such things.


Looks like we can get a Midi to Trigger module which looks very similar to the one from obsoletetechnology here:
It has the same micro controller but already programed/flashed and a PCB.
Anybody built it already?