My name is Tommy and I'm currently in my 2nd year at UWE Bristol studying Ba Hons photography.
I am currently thinking about what to do fior my final major project and I thought circuit bending in the U.K would be a great idea..
My first experiences with circuit bending came via a close friend named raz who had a bedroom lab and created bent speak and spells and other random toys bought form car boot sales. Sometimes he'd bring one over and I play live drums over his amped up contraptions. i was never patient enough to make my own but have always been fascinated with the skill and the resulting crazy instruments.
I wondered if anyone who is currently creating circuit bent instruments as a hobby and on a commercial scasle would be interested in being part of my project.
I'm not sure how to really get in touch with people so I thought I would try using this forum as a start.
This idea is in it's infancy and I am curious to find out if people would help me....
Please get in touch if you are interested.
Tommy Sussex