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Anyone here archive any of the bending Yahoo groups before they went down?

Started by littleghost, September 27, 2022, 04:55:54 PM

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The "CasioSK" and "Benders" yahoo groups were a central hub for bending information for years and years until they went down in 2020. Loads of legendary builds were first developed there, like the Casio SK Attack/Decay & Phat Filter mods for example

It seems that despite Archive.org saving nearly 1 million groups before they went offline for good, both of these were set to "members only", meaning they weren't able to be archived :/ There was loadsss of good info in those groups, and it seems like such a tragedy that all of it is basically lost forever.

So just thought i'd ask here, this being one of the oldest remaining bending forums still online: Anyone here save any of that stuff?

Probably pretty unlikely lol, but figured i'd ask on the off chance someone had saved some stuff before they went down


Hey all,

Sorry Ive been away for a long time, life gets busy sometimes. You go through phases.

I have some of that stuff on my band website:


And a bunch of service manuals for many of the Casio bending keyboards.


On my hard drive I archived all of the SK bending and modding stuff, but I need to put them all up sometime. I'll try to find them and put them up on my band server, but it will take a while to make up a page for it all.

Interesting thing, I got an email out of the blue recently from Plutoniq9 (Ryan) who originally came up with many of these mods. He just moved here to Australia where I am, after 20 years in the US. We're now in contact!

Cheers, Graham