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Panasonic CompuVoice

Started by computer at sea, May 09, 2008, 05:51:20 AM

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computer at sea

So a friend of mine gave me this talking calculator.  It looked pretty exciting inside, with a big giant chip and a lot of accessible hardware, but I couldn't get anything out of it for a couple days.  Eventually I found the one point that opened up the whole thing.  Turns out it needed an LFO (I made the 555 one that's floating around this site).

You can hear a sample of it at my myspace page :  www.myspace.com/computeratseamusic
.  It is the third track down, labeled Panasonic CompuVoice Sample.  There's a rhythmic glitch after about 30 secionds that I'm pretty excited about.  If anyone happens across one of these units, I'll happily share my info, as it was a total pain in the ass to find.




YouTube/longer sample or it didn't happen?

computer at sea

Yeah... no video capability right at the moment.