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Yamaha RX 17. New mods

Started by Signal:Noise, September 20, 2008, 06:42:21 PM

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Bent a few of these in the past and usually just create a patch bay on the big chip nest to the heat sink, job's a good un. So I decided to try and do something different, so far I've found a nice synth tone output array that will pay in time with the pattern, a meaty distortion, an ear piercing hi end distortion, Envelope follower LED and 10 stable bends on the next big chip along from the heat sink. These do strange rhythmic things to the pattern that's playing, a bit less destructive than the bends on the usual chip, most interestingly of all, you can do really fucked up things by shorting pins on the two chips with each other. Got a lot more digging to do yet before I start, butI'll try and get some pictures posted up as soon as.


You still working on this... I'd love to see a status update.



Still in progress, Bought a korg electribe so been playing with that for a while

need to get back on the case with this.


Understood. I've got a stockpile of half finished bits and pieces lying around too. Some of them i'm too scared to power up because they've been lying around open for a decades, and i'm worried they've broken in protest...


Finally a picture. Still not got round to modding this sucker yet, but should be doing it soon.

Blue text is the Envelope follower LED

Purple is the synth tone mode

The chips circled in red and yellow can produce a meaty distortion and and ear bleeding hi gain distortion respectively


Awesome, thanks for that pic!

Looks really cool. I'll have to take your advice when i carve mine up.

Again, cheers!


Decided to add an LDR on teh hi gain distortion for a bit of photo theremin action.


Sounds rad. In case you're interested, here's a site which has a few rx17 mods. I assume you've seen it already though?


I'm looking forward to patchbaying mine up :)



Hey there, after reading this thread I got myself a Yamaha RX17 on ebay and made a start on bending it, results so far are here;


Gonna be using this in a show at CCA in Glasgow on March 5th;


Thanks for the info posted here, most useful.


Gonna be using this in a show at CCA in Glasgow on March 5th;

Give me some comps and I'll help you with electrickery ;-)
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


'electrickery' - nice. won't be giving out any tickets to this one, I'm afraid, the people behind the night are quite strict about that. s'only a fiver...


Fairy nuff.  Do pop up and visit Electron Club while you're here - it's upstairs in CCA beside one of the offices (door opposide the bar, at the entrance on Scott Street).

If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


I still haven't finished this. I should however have it completed by the end of the week and hopefully have some demo's.

Been so lazy of late.


Well, It's finished, Though I haven't yet got any patch leads for patching mayhem at the moment, everything works. The high pitch distortion and the distortion/noise fliter/filth knob work really well, though the attempt at putting a photo therimin control on teh high pitch distortion failed...in an epic fashion. The synth tone out works as well, but only when I don't have the main outs connected to my desk, this is despite having a couple of diodes soldered on the lugs of the jack socket to stop any current leakage. Most vexing, though you can do some really cool slightly random 8 bit esque melodies (just not with any drum accompaniment. arse). I have an old analogue mackie desk so don't know if this has anything to do with it. Envelope follwer LED is amazing, pure bright blue LED porn.

I'll sort some pictures out and some demos as soon as I have patch leads.