Circuitbenders Forum > Synths & Samplers

FAT Freebass / MAM MB33 Problems + Midi channel settings

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Seeing as manuals for the Fat Freebass or MAM MB33 seem to absurdly rare heres a scan of the dip switch settings for the Midi channel from a german manual.

How hard are the freebass' to mod? I've been eyeing one up for ages for all my acid need.

With analogues once you have modded one its fairly easy to work out how to mod another machine in a similar way although understanding the basics of analogue synth circuits is a massive bonus when avoiding killing things. The freebass is a fairly easy machine to work with but the main advice i can give  is to not mess with the IC's or any of the power supply area on the left under any circumstances. They don't take kindly to it.

Interesting point about the freebass. The filter is actually designed to go into self oscillation but because its meant to be a 303 clone and the 303 filter doesn't self oscillate theres a resistor behind the resonance pot that retards the filter resonance. Bridge that and you've got a resonance boost.

If anyone knows where to get schematics for the freebass i would be very interested in getting hold of a copy.

ive just found my old freebase without any powersupply! can anyone spred some light to what kinda V adapter i will need to get this beauty working again?

freebass' need 12V AC/AC, and make sure it is AC/AC and not AC/DC. It will work on AC/DC but its only a matter of time until the midi dies and it won't start up properly.


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