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drawing of a cmoss based synth...

Started by jamiewoody, April 15, 2010, 12:31:21 AM

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"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Why have you got the LED in series with the supply?
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


Finally a schematic I can understand  ;)


gordon, it is wired like that on the breadboard, but will prolly change. leds are tricky. i mean, they look cool all lit up, but not a good idea if they weaken the sounds, hey i learn something every day...an led is a DIODE! lol!

epic....HAHAHAHA! it is my "shorthand"...i need to wake up, smell the espresso, and force myself to read and write in schematics!
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


nice,  thanks for sharing.. is it possible to let us hear some sounds ?


i have stinkin'' dial up still, which makes video hard to upload. my OX does not support the latest flash version, which also sucks. is there a good flie ftp type of site that is free?
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


I saw this an immediately thought of this thread:


Thats superb. Theres a subject for a competition, I will give my nord modular to anyone who can actually build that!
i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool


Dammit, and I've just sold my Moral Rectifier.

The Paypal says it was for a D. Cameron...



spann, that schematic should be matted, framed and hung up at the smithsonian!!! that was beautiful!
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Jamie - I wondered if the LED was in series to act as some kind of simple current regulator.  Effectively you're dropping 2V across it so you may find that it makes it quieter.
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.


gordon, with electronics, i am like to a musician who plays by ear...i am pretty green. i hook things up, take resistors and caps out and try new ones until i get a sound i like...then i make a drawing. i really wish i did understand more of the theory behind what i am doing.
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Quote from: Spann on April 21, 2010, 11:49:24 AM
Dammit, and I've just sold my Moral Rectifier.

The Paypal says it was for a D. Cameron...


spann, i am not sure if you realize how TRUE your pun is!

edison was on the winning end of a geometric equasion for awhile, with dc voltage. he took credit for most of what tesla did for him, including ac voltage. to "rectify" literally means "to make right". this is what edison implied when the term "rectifier" was coined!
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


this synth works and is totally weird. but, one thing i have notices is that the volume seems pretty low, say, compared to an apc. any ideas why this could be? is there something i could add?
"gravity...it's what's for dinner!"


Probably not having the LED in series with the power lead would help.  Make sure you're using a speaker with a suitably high impedance - 32 ohms or more.

You could also slap a resistor in there replacing the speaker and take the output to a proper amp.
If at first you don't succeed, stick it through a fuzzbox.