Circuitbenders Forum > Banter

I got a DEAL! (The "I want to brag about what I got" thread)

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Something tells me you're going to need an oscilloscope for this, so you can check if you're actually getting anything going into the output section of the circuit or coming out of the synth chips. Its going to be a bit difficult tracking down where you're actually getting a signal otherwise.

Can you start another thread for this? In fact i've just added another board for this very purpose,22.0.html

If you're just tracing the signal path, a small amplifier and speaker will work.  I've used a mixer input for this, but I don't recommend it - sometimes you get loud clicks and pops that will damage your speakers.  Maybe the amp from a set of el-cheapo PC speakers would be good.  If you kill them, buy a new £2.99 from Argos set.

I found a thrift store out in north dakota with 5 speak and spells (1 broken), a dirty speak and read and a stack of about 10 ti touch and tells they THREW AWAY. I bought the speaks and the read for about $15 total (but it didnt work so its now a wall decoration) and i took the touch and tells out of the garbage and kept those, half dont work :( but still WOW GOOD DEAL!!

4 perfect speak and spells and 5 perfect touch and tells!


--- Quote from: Tyler1144 on July 27, 2009, 09:18:46 PM ---I found a thrift store out in north dakota with 5 speak and spells (1 broken), a dirty speak and read and a stack of about 10 ti touch and tells they THREW AWAY. I bought the speaks and the read for about $15 total (but it didnt work so its now a wall decoration) and i took the touch and tells out of the garbage and kept those, half dont work :( but still WOW GOOD DEAL!!

4 perfect speak and spells and 5 perfect touch and tells!

--- End quote ---

Jeez wanna send me one? :P

I found a Commodore C64C + Datasette and power supply in the dump yesterday.. Weee


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