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I got a DEAL! (The "I want to brag about what I got" thread)

Started by Gleix, March 25, 2009, 02:40:34 AM

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i am not paid to listen to this drivel, you are a terminal fool



Wherever did you find such a haul?
I definitely second Circuitbenders and say you should make some awesome lunettas. If you've not visited before definately look at the lunetta forum on electro music [http://www.electro-music.com/forum/forum-160.html] loads of great simple circuits for those CMOS 4000 and lots of helpful people [if you have visited before then sorry for telling you things you already know]!


thinking I might turn my house into a giant lunetta!  well it almost is already with all that stuff, I havn't even really begun to sort out what is there, there is alot of  the 4000's series spread over 3 anti static (you ground them to mains) cabinets, 48 drawers each cabinet, there is alot of the 7400's series all in tubes as well but I still have to sort them out it is crazy I have never seen so many chips.  The only electronic shop left in my city apart from maplins shut down and they practically gave me it because they had nowhere to put it once shop shut, it had been sitting in their shop for fuck knows how long.  They had no idea really what most of it was they were old railway model railway/radio buffs and they had inherited it from the previous shop owner.  I could have got more anti stat cabinets but ran out of room in my house I was getting the cabinets for £40 each including all the chips in them  ;)


I was at Goodwill and picked up a vtech talking lesson one challenger, whiz kid plus, maybe?, a vtech alphabet apple (2014), and a cheap non-branded toy that said "My first PC tutor" Don't know if that is vtech or not.


OK, sorry, I don't have a vtech alphabet apple. It is the vtech Touch& Discover that I found. Sorry about that


Sorry to reply to an older thread, but I got a CTK-500 for a little over 60 dollars on http://www.offerup.com
And excuse me for the random picture as well